Friday, June 15, 2012

Lemonade Stand Sessions - $55 for a limited time
The time has come to put the lemonade stand away and start out my next theme. 
So this Sunday & Tuesday is the LAST day for the lemonade stand sessions.
Schedule yours asap by emailing me at


Time for a change

Facebook has now decided to charge small business owners to get their pages visible to their fans. Anyone who knows me would know how much I am against this. So I will be posting a lot of stuff on the blog to make sure everyone has a chance to view it. This blog will also be a big part in giveaways as well.

Let's start off with something fun. 

I want to hear from you. Post a comment below telling me what type of session I should do a sale on next. Is there something in particular you'd like to see as a new theme or a portrait idea?